Елена Летучая вмешалась в скандал с Ренатой Литвиной
TV presenter admitted that she is ashamed of colleagues.

Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner

Photo: freeze-frame of the program “Minute of fame”

Elena Letuchaya not remained aloof from sensational scandal with statements of Renata Litvina and Vladimir Pozner, the TV show “Minute of fame”. Not so long ago viewers saw the episode where the judges reacted negatively to the room of the dancer — Eugene Smirnov. A young man, being a person with disabilities, showed talent and performed in front of the audience a fascinating dance. However, the judge was dissatisfied with his performance. Posner suggested that doesn’t like it when people use these “forbidden techniques”, alluding to the disability of the dancer. But Litvinov called Smirnova “ambugaton” and offered “to fasten the second leg” in order not “to speculate on this subject.”

Flying was deeply shocked by the behaviour of colleagues. “I’m late, but looked at it nischebrodstvo shower! Amputee?! Are you serious?! This is the First?! What I saw in the air of “minute of fame” to his Wife Smirnov and Victoria Starikova, unacceptable! And then we wonder why in our country people with disabilities for people not to think?! Yes, because on the Ground their call amputee, humiliated, and this is the norm, and the whole country is proud to show you! — posted by Elena. — No, not regret, I call, and treated as an equal! Look at this guy, he is a talented, life-loving and worthy of respect, unlike many sitting in the jury of this contest!

Am ashamed of all: the distinguished Gentlemen who have turned the language is actually pronounce, and those who aired! I wanted much to write, I’m overwhelmed, but I realized that anger will not fix the situation and only our good hearts must be open! And so I will support Zhenya Smirnov! You’re talented, incredibly charismatic, strong, your dancing always touches the soul! I admire what you’re doing! The first time I saw you in another show and the sensuality of the dance, I cried. You’ll always be glad and happy to shake a hand! Just keep dancing and be happy!”

By the way, recently it became known that as a result of the scandal erupted was a dismissed employee of the TV channel responsible for the selection of the material before broadcast. However, the audience such a decision were outraged, as expected from the leadership of the First channel decisive action to address the jury.