Елена Беркова устроила провокацию на премьере Кончаловского
The controversial star is shocked by its appearance.

Елена Беркова устроила провокацию на премьере Кончаловского

Andrey Stoyanov and Elena Berkova

Photo: Maxim Lee

Yesterday in the capital’s cinema “October” the day before the release in
wide release, Andrei Konchalovsky
first showed his famous friends and colleagues new film “Paradise.” This drama
tells the story of a prisoner of the Nazi concentration camps performed by Julia Vysotskaya.

Considering the topic covered in the film, even making the obligatory red carpet was restrained. Guest stars: Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Tatiana Navka, Dmitri Peskov, Tatiana Mikhalkov, Stanislav Govorukhin, Julia Peresild, Svetlana Bondarchuk and many
others, of course, comply with the dress code, selecting for this event classic black and white
the color scheme in clothes.

As a film by Andrei Konchalovsky nominated for “Oscar” and
interest in the premiere was initially increased, then on a stellar track unexpectedly
there are characters that not even
was on the guest list. So scandalous Elena Berkova came to “October”
together with her fiancé, actor Andrei Stoyanov, and passing puzzled the organizers,
immediately went to the photographers and television cameras. The actress, known for roles
in adult films, shocked by his outfit, showing a bust, navel,
characteristics of the body. Moreover, they Stoyanov hot kissed on sight
all and depicted fervent passion.

Dmitry Peskov, Tatiana Navka, Maxim Galkin, Alla Pugacheva, Yegor Konchalovsky at the premiere

Photo: Maxim Lee

If we were talking about the premiere of the Comedy, adventure film
or love story, the presence of outrageous characters would be nice
misunderstanding. But the film “Paradise” raises very serious issues, not
combined with a blatant provocation.

At a Hostel, by the way, asked me before the show, and if she knows,
what the film Konchalovsky — and what in this case is the choice of her attire for
premiere. Elena replied that she had read the annotation. Of course, their satellite
invited to the auditorium, but after showing the controversial actress hurried away
unnoticed, apparently realizing that went too far in trying to attract