Екатерина Климова рассекретила подросшую младшую дочку
Face little Bella touched by her fans.

Ekaterina Klimova with daughter Bella

Photo: @klimovagram Instagram Ekaterina Klimova

Ekaterina Klimova first showed fans his little daughter Bella. The actress since the birth of the baby hid the girl’s face, only occasionally posting images of the different parts of her body. However, just yesterday, the actress suddenly decided to stop making this a big secret. In her microblog there is a picture with a joint walk Klimova already almost one year old Bella.

Despite the fact that fans could not see the girl’s face in detail, the photo that was the debut of younger daughter Klimova Instagram, caused a lot of noise. “What a touching photo!”, “She’s so big already! Let grows healthy and happy!”, “Great! Finally we met her! And cheeks-what!” — he responded to the fans.

By the way, Ekaterina has told that in connection with a sharp cold snap in Moscow is not so enthusiastic as before, going for a walk with my daughter. Though the actress and realizes fully that the little ones should spend more time outdoors, to go from the warm house to the street is a small test.

Recall that Bella was born last October in a Moscow clinic. The parents of the newborn gave her such an unusual name, at the initiative of the husband of Catherine — Gela Meskhi. “Her full name was Isabella, the name insisted my husband, I resisted for a long time. All around it didn’t like it — children, relatives, friends. But when we announced to my mom that our daughter will be called Isabella, she cried from happiness! I always remembered that my favorite singer mother Isabella St. George, but that’s the way wanted to call me, learned for the first time. Mom said that I was not given the name in honor of the beloved singer just because of the unfortunate combination of his name. By the way, recently I realized that in our family, it turns out that now grow two of Lisa (or, conversely, two girl Bella). Because in European languages Bella is a diminutive of Elizabeth” — said Klimov 7days.ru.