Эд Ширан помог бездомным ливийским детям

Every year in the UK is the so-called “red nose Day”, in which famous and not-so people collect money for charity and help the needy. Famous British singer ed Sheeran, who is famous for his kindness, and this time did more than usual.

While in Libya, just on the street ed met a boy named J. D., whose mother and grandmother died from the Ebola virus, and his father forgot about him. The boy lived on the street, sleep in moored boats or under the bushes, nightly risking their health, safety and even life.
A little chat with J. D., ed decided to help him. When the film crew, who filmed the story, began to gather their things, Sheeran protested.
“We can’t do, can’t just leave him here. The children sleep in a canoe, they are surrounded by dangerous people. They Wake up in the morning and don’t know how to feed themselves,” said ed, and added that this child, like his homeless friends are the same age, wants to get an education and even become President in order “to build more schools and to feed his community.”
“I really think it is wrong to leave these children here. We must help them as soon as we can. My natural instinct is to take them with me now. We placed them in a hotel or apartment until we find them a private school boarding house. Meanwhile, they will live someone older who they will mentor and look after them. Can we do this?” asked ed from the crew.
Sheeran has publicly pledged to assume all costs and to give children a safe place, education and a normal future.