Герцогиня Кэтрин решила рожать третьего ребенка дома
Catherine’s husband supports her risky plan.

Duchess Catherine


As it became known, the Duchess
Cambridge, on the third pregnancy, which was officially announced in early
September 2017, the year, intends to give birth to her child in the hospital and at home
at home, and not at Kensington Palace and country estate — Anmer Hall. Curiously, according to
the informant close to the family of the Duchess, Prince William quite approve of the intention of the spouses.

This decision Catherine is so
every time she’s about to give birth, she just do not give step to step.
Reporters follow her around and just did not look in the Windows of the Palace. A couple of weeks before the birth of the paparazzi both times I made a real round-the-clock Stakeout
the walls of the hospital. Moreover, when Catherine gave birth to George, there was an unpleasant incident with an attempt to obtain unfair access to reporters
confidential information about giving birth. All of the above, Catherine and wants to give birth to a third child in a quiet, home setting. Of course, everything will be under control are invited to the residence of the doctors.

As you know, two of his
older children — Prince George and Princess Charlotte — Catherine gave birth at the hospital in London’s St. Marie’s Hospital. About to give birth to first two children at home, could not
to be considered, because both pregnancies, especially the first trimester, was very
hard. So she had a fear that and childbirth can come too
something that is not so. But both times the birth of the children went quite well. And
if the first time Catherine gave birth to George, she suffered about eight hours, Charlotte to
to be born, it only took 2.5 hours! And now the Duchess so
confident that he wants to take the risk to give birth at home. After all, in the end, to
Princess Diana’s Royal birth in the Palace, where he invited doctors,
that did not prevent a successful outcome.