Доминику Джокеру пришлось выслушивать многочисленную критику после развода с женой
Three years ago the graduate of “factory of stars” Dominik Joker broke up with his wife for the sake of a new relationship with Catherine Kokorinoj.

Доминику Джокеру пришлось выслушивать многочисленную критику после развода с женой

The couple met during the project “Battle of choirs”, where she was a member, and Dominic mentor. After a divorce, many blamed the girl that she was the cause of the collapse of the family of the musician, but the romance between them began much later after the project.

Доминику Джокеру пришлось выслушивать многочисленную критику после развода с женой

“The first time Katya and I hear many different gripes at her about the fact that she destroyed my family. Some believed that Kate grabbed himself a successful party. But, believe me, I’m not the tidbit — neither in life, nor in life, says Dominic. – Yes, and some movement in the works of Cathy began only after a year of our relationship.”

Recall that Dominic had two sons from a previous marriage, but they are with my ex-wife was able to maintain cordial relations.

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