Дмитрий Шепелев разыграл телезрителей

A few weeks ago, fans of “Live” had me worried. In mass media there was news that presenter Boris korchevnikov, which has been in office for more than three years, has resigned because of health problems, and in his place comes Dmitry Shepelev.

It was reported that under the new leader will be redone Studio, and most importantly – the format of the show. True, what changes will be made, was not specified.

Shepelev on his page in Instagram even left a message that he can’t wait to get out of the long vacation and get to work.

It turns out that korchevnikov’s not going anywhere. He was a leading “Live”, and it still is. And what to do with Shepelev? He officially announced on his microblogging that will replace Korchevnikov. Dmitry has told that has already started filming releases, the output of which is scheduled for March…

The only logical explanation that found users of the network, – Dmitry was just making fun of your subscribers. It subtly hints “smiley” at the end of his message, where he talks about what will replace Boris.

If we develop the situation further and analyze what was written Shepelev, we can conclude that his phrase “Who if not I?” was written with sarcasm. We will remind, in the Studio “Live” formerly fairly frequent guest Vladimir Kopylov (father of the late Jeanne Friske), who has repeatedly made accusations against his almost legitimate son.

Note that in microblog Dmitry says “channel broadcaster Rossiya”, because most likely the job he did get, however, is not one about which all speak.