DJ Smash перенесет еще одну операцию
Some time ago a well-known DJ Smash was severely beaten at the bar the master of sports on fighting Alexander Telepnev.

DJ Smash перенесет еще одну операцию

Currently, the artist is in the hospital, but recovery is very slow. Soon he will make another mini-operation, and the musician feels himself much better.

DJ Smash перенесет еще одну операцию

“Getting better by leaps and bounds, and you can’t even imagine how nice to feel that you don’t get two jaw, and again. My sick leave was extended until three weeks tomorrow will be another mini-operation, but under the full control of talented doctors about which I will tell you later in a separate post. Emotions overwhelmed, the forces are accumulated, the character hardens, and the result is”, – wrote under the picture from the hospital DJ Smash.

We will remind that the conflict has arisen due to the fact that celebrity refused to be photographed with Alexander that he did not like, and he struck.

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