Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано» The heiress of the leading “let’s get married!” confessed why my mom refuses to go shopping with her. Victoria Volodina said “StarHit” about their Hobbies, dreams and plans for the future.

      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»

      The heiress astrologer and leading the “First channel” Vasilisa Volodya month ago celebrated the 15th anniversary. Birthday Vika came back from London, where during the holidays studied a foreign language. “I like English, but to live and work still going in Russia I am a patriot of my country and want to bring her favor,” said the girl in an interview with “StarHit”.


      “Appropriate child”

      Many your age want to say goodbye to school and go to College. You’re one of them?
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»Probably not. In school I’m still quite happy. 1 September I went to ninth grade. I good for eighth two BS – computer science and geometry. Most of all I love algebra and physics.—
      Anyone see themselves in the future?
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»I have two options. I’d like to open a business, for example, to start selling beautiful expensive watches or jewelry – I think it’s very feminine. May be I have to learn the basics of entrepreneurship in the MBA school somewhere abroad. Or follow in the footsteps of mom. I’m sure with such a mentor as she is, I will be able to achieve heights in the profession.Review Vasilisa: “she already tried to study astrology, but decided to postpone. She realized that her knowledge in algebra is not enough to delve into complicated esoteric science.”—
      What do you do in spare time?
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»English: even though I already speak it, want to know the language perfectly. And yet for four years visit the basketball section, I can’t imagine life without sport. I train three times a week, and every trip to the gym for me is happiness.Review Vasilisa: “I believe that sport is unhealthy to work in this area, the idea short-sighted. I never dreamt that my child was a professional athlete”.
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»
      Do you have many friends?
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»Yes, together we go to the movies, and shopping. However, to choose the clothes I like with my mom. Girlfriend often advised to buy something fashionable youth, while the mother “sees” things that I do go and sit advantageously on the figure. I do like the taste of it, it looks stylish and the screen, and at home plate.Review Vasilisa: “But I replenish the wardrobe Wiki is not easy. Like any girl her age, she was not fully confident. And though I’m trying to explain that she is beautiful and smart, she always think her legs weren’t thin enough, ass too big…”—
      Vika, your friends ask that Mama made them an astrological forecast?
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»Yes, mostly girls want to know their compatibility with any boy. Very close mom agreed to do the calculations, and the friend was delighted.—
      And guys that you like, check with mom?
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»Of course! A year ago I was interested in one person, the mother saw it and my date of birth, made a prediction. While this guy is behaving exactly like “predicted” mom. But honestly, I have no relationship. Yes, at our age it’s time to fall in love, but everything else… I think 15 years for such cases – too early.Review Vasilisa: “Vic, I now live reassured – I such statements from her daughter hear for the first time. Well, I know that I have a child adequate.”

      “Cakes for moms”

      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»
      A year and a half ago, you became a big sister. Helping mom with the Fame?
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»I used to dream about your sister. Imagined how I would play with her dolls, dressing up… And then he grew up and for some reason strongly wanted brother. Words cannot Express how much I love the Glory. When I came back from London, I go to the nursery and he saw me and pulling the handle “Wee! VI!” I nearly cried… together We love to watch cartoons, play designer. I like to spend time with the baby, I dream of becoming a mother. But not until 27 years – I want to have time to build a career to my children in anything they need.—
      Your mom is she strict? What can you tell?
      Дочь Василисы Володиной: «О парнях думать рано»For example, for poor grades. I think that it’s okay because she wants me to study well.Review Vasilisa: “my husband is strict, but very giving parents. I personally check the lessons her daughter, if she do not understand something – explain, don’t blame it on Tutors. Therefore, I believe that can, if necessary, to raise Vika’s voice – for her own good. And as often it is in the headphones, and still have to shout”.—
      Have you started working?
      I have no time for this. However, six months ago, our basketball team won a major competition in Moscow, and all the girls received a fee. I your spent cakes, the house we have arranged a Grand tea party.