Дочка Розы Сябитовой рассталась с мужем из-за проблем в постели
Teleshko told about the failed marriage of a daughter.

Rose Sabitova with her daughter Ksenia

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

On the eve of viewers of channel I saw a documentary about the life of Rosa Syabitova. Teleshko frankly told the story of his life. She recalled a difficult childhood and tragic death of the first husband. Host of “let’s get married” also shared memories of how her career began. She created a business from scratch and without the help of strangers. She is one of the most famous matchmakers in the country and even helped to find happiness of his daughter — Ksenia.

However, as it turned out, rose did not guess the choice of a husband for my daughter. In an interview Sabitova said: husband Xenia — lawyer Andrey Snetkov ran away from his wife. “Kseniya cried simply. He didn’t sleep with her! He was not living with her. Gone and everything!” shared the revelation Sabitova. Itself Ksenia admitted that he is not ready to discuss the topic of personal life. Apparently, it is still facing due to the collapse of family life.

For daughter’s wedding Sabitova was in serious debt. In August 2015 a celebration on the occasion of the marriage cost tilecache 15 million rubles. The saddest thing is that rose is still paying with acquaintances who had money.

Meanwhile, the personal life of the Rose is also not yet formed. But she still hopes to meet her Prince. And while she enjoys the freedom. 55 years Sabitova lit in the company of a stripper, which she “ordered” close friends.