Критики считают, что «Лунный свет» не заслужил свой «Оскар»

Ceremony of delivery of awards of the American Academy took place more than a week ago, and the Internet community continues to discuss this event, in particular, how fair was the judging.

“Best film”, according to members of the Academy, became “Moonlight”.

But criticism on this account have a different opinion: experts in the film believe that the Oscar deservedly should go to the musical “La La land”, which was a breath of fresh air compared to other films with pressing social issues.

Note that the picture of Damien Chazelle to the last considered the favourite “Oscar-2017”. The musical was even given a statue, but later it turned out that the award was erroneous, and the winner was still “Moonlight” — the low-budget film was also a winner in the history of the ceremony.

Critics say that “Moonlight” is a story about growing up dark-skinned gay and, at first glance, dedicated to several “hot” social issues. In practice, critics say, the picture is frustrating to the viewer – and it is unlikely many will be able to get pleasure from its viewing.