Криштиану Роналду заявил, что хочет еще троих детей!
The player does not intend to stop there.

Криштиану Роналду заявил, что хочет еще троих детей!

Cristiano Ronaldo with his girlfriend and eldest son

Photo: @cristiano/Instagram

Cristiano Ronaldo made a sensational
confession: he said he wants to bring the General expense of their children
to seven. The player, who only last year had two children,
as they say, got a taste…

only a month ago, real Madrid delighted its fans around the world,
solemnly declaring that he was the father of twins Eva and Matteo. Them as
explained football player, endured for him a surrogate mother, who wished to remain
unknown. Ronaldo was so excited about the newborn that order
to spend more time with them, he even missed the finals
Confederations Cup. “They’re a real treasure. I’m perfectly happy!” —
then said Cristiano. As told
player, he has not yet mastered fully the art of changing diapers, but
improving their skills in this
part. “I really try!” — said Cristiano.

Cristiano Ronaldo with twins

Photo: @cristiano/Instagram

a couple of weeks later the player was presented with a new surprise: he admitted that his
current girlfriend — Georgina Rodriguez
pregnant! And she’s going to bestow Ronaldo another Chad this
year. While Cristiano declared that he was “very, very excited
event” and looks forward to the addition to the family. Thus, considering
the eldest, seven year old son Ronaldo already
for the Christmas season, Cristiano will become the father of four children.

And now it turns out it’s not enough — he wants to get three! Why? Ronaldo explained that he just adores children and wants
to fill with them your whole house. And
as for exact numbers — “7” — that is, as explained to the player,
brand lucky number.