Крис Кельми  с женой делят квартиру

Russian singer Chris kelmi recently appeared on the pages of the tabloids not because of their creativity, and due to a succession of scandals associated with deviant behavior and friendship of the artist with a green snake. As it became known, the wife of musician Ludmila initiated the divorce process, and now the spouses have to divide their belongings.

The scandalous antics of the artist has long destroyed their marriage, but until recently, the couple shared the shelter, but Lyudmila tired of this life, and she decided to share capital a living space with her husband.
“We finally realized that are incompatible. Over the years we have had many good and bad things to remember. Now we divide property. One of Ludmila our apartment on Smolensky Boulevard is too big, I don’t think she needs it. So what are we going to waste your time, and it will take a little time,” — said the singer.
However, a strained relationship, the artist not only with his wife but with his son Christian. 27-year-old man refuses to communicate with a famous father, despite all attempts kelmi to build relationships. Moreover, according to the artist, he gave a good start to the child and provided him with housing.
“I guess this is my mission in his life is over,” suggested Chris.
Kelme recently passed a rehabilitation course after a few strokes and gave up alcohol. The musician swears he doesn’t touch alcohol, but in sports.
“In the Park near the house opened a sports centre, I go there five days a week – exercising in the gym, visit the sauna, play football and tennis” — Chris told reporters

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