Крис Хемсворт с отцом укрощали волны

Now I understand how the tree fell the fruit. 32-year-old actor Chris Hemsworth and his father Craig, the shape of which can be the envy of many young people, I decided to surf on the beach Byron Bay in Australia. To our delight, the local paparazzi are not sitting idly by.

Крис Хемсворт с отцом укрощали волны
Father and son appeared on the beach and immediately attracted everyone’s attention, but the fans and admirers not rushed at the feet of the star of “Thor,” and gave the actor will enjoy the fellowship with Chris kinsman and waves. By the way, is the passion of three sons (besides Chris, of Craig, there is also Liam with the Hatch) surfing inspired father to practice this sport.

Крис Хемсворт с отцом укрощали волны
In one interview Chris said that he and his brothers and parents are very close, and he had with his mother Leonie and all have a special bond.

“My mother always said I had replaced her daughter. We can talk on any topic, much more than my brothers allow themselves. I have always been more talkative than them” — said once Chris about yourself.

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