Шарль Азнавур госпитализирован в Санкт-Петербурге
93-year-old French singer became ill at the rehearsal.

Charles Aznavour

In North
the capital was hospitalized Charles Aznavour, who became ill during
rehearsal before the concert in St. Petersburg. This was announced by the Director and
artistic Director of the concert hall “October” Emma Lavrinovich.

“Aznavour was
in rehearsal, he became ill, he was taken to the hospital for examination, will be
day lie. He walked to the ambulance. Concert move on
the next season,” — said Lavrynovych.

it is known that the concert of Charles Aznavour was moved to April 9, 2019. “We
closely monitoring the condition of the artist” — said in the waiting room
artistic Director BKZ “October”. Concert in 2019 you can get
today’s tickets.