Знаменитости на вечеринке Carolina Herrera  в Москве

In honor of the launch of a new line of fragrances Carolina Herrera 212 VIP Wild Party American brand organized in the capital of the private party, which could only VIP guests.

The celebration was held on June 2 in the trendy restaurant Spy Moscow on triumph square. The concept of the celebration was chosen a great atmosphere of sleepless new York city, where parties are held every night. For VIPs, the organizers prepared a tuple of Porsche cars, as if written straight from the heart of Manhattan. Met arriving celebrities and celebrated in the long list of their names host of the evening Laura dzhugeliya. Throughout the celebration, guests bathed in the tub with toy balls, posed for the cameras of the paparazzi and danced to the sets of DJ’s-Brothers. Incendiary speeches the audience were entertained by Anna Sedokova and Alexander Panayotov. Among much fun until the morning celebrities at the party were seen Elena Temnikova, Yulia Baranovskaya, Konstantin Gaidai, Yuri Stolyarov, Katya Dobryakova, Artem Korolev, and many others.

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