Кара Делевинь обреет голову ради следующей роли

Sacrifice for the sake of movie roles – a favorite activity of many Hollywood celebrities. Many actors have gained and lost weight extremely, dailymobile wax the whole body (including eyebrows) and Vice versa overgrown. Now this is the way to go British supermodel Kara Delevin.

The star of the catwalks, which is increasingly rejected trying to gain a foothold in the film world, agreed to changes that will be associated with her hair. As admitted in the days of Kara, for the future role she would have to shave his head.

This statement Delevingne did at the film market, CinemaCon, where she appeared in the form of a platinum blonde: “I do have to shave your head for the next role, so I just had to try something new, here and now. I did it for fun, to add variety to life.”

To get rid of hair Kara will be forced for the sake of romantic drama “Life In A Year”, where her partner on the set will be Jaden Smith.

The film’s plot has not been disclosed, but by combining the name and the bald head Delevingne, I can assume that it will be most likely about the illness of a girl with cancer.