Точка кипения: что заставляет звезд ссориться с родными Family life without conflict only happens in the movies. In reality, the relatives often quarrel with each other for different reasons: Oksana Fedorova has a quarrel with her husband because of the repair, Nadezhda Babkina disliked daughter-in-law. Star said “StarHit” about their family quarrels.

      Точка кипения: что заставляет звезд ссориться с родными


      “We with Andrey have got acquainted six years ago – says TV presenter. – A year later our relationship began to develop rapidly. We got married. We have almost no period of gradual rapprochement, during which people recognize each other, understand taste preferences . I moved to his country house and many things began to reshape in their own way.

      In the process of repair began skirmishing. I was so fascinated that he didn’t notice as he climbed into male territory. Decided to rebuild the fence, to change the landscape. Andrew noticed it. One evening we even argued. Realized that the situation is heating up, and walked away, ending the conversation. In the morning we talked. I am convinced that there are issues that a woman should not decide.

      Точка кипения: что заставляет звезд ссориться с родными

      Since then do not relate to major construction projects and security. Even my husband, there are small disagreements about the education of children. I want to quickly teach and and everything. Andrew believes that we should not overdo it and need to do everything gradually. Try to go for a compromise.

      Alexey Panin Made his wife to tear up the passport

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      “Everyone in my family with a temper, but easily appeased,” says the actor “StarHit”. My closest people – mother Tatiana, calling her 20 times a day. If fight over something, we’ll yell at each other, and after a few moments forget. I know that mom will always come running to help. She constantly reminds me everything – put your sweater on, don’t forget to put food in the fridge and so on.


      When, in 2013, married Lucy, did not immediately understand the wife not mother. One day we were driving in the car, and I remembered that I had forgotten important papers. Started yelling at the woman, though she was not to blame. Lucy cried, and then threw the engagement ring out the car window. In wrath I did the same thing. At home the quarrel continued. Lucy tore the page of the passport with a stamp, I cut a mountain of dishes. The next morning we were hugging and smiling. Of course, sorry I asked.


      Точка кипения: что заставляет звезд ссориться с родными

      “I’m not a conflict person and seldom swear, the singer says,” but of the quarrel with his parents, which occurred a long time ago, I remember to this day. At the age of 19 I decided it was time to become independent and I’m ready to live separately! Seriously talked to my mom and dad. In the evening they came home, sat them at the table and stunned: “I want to live separately, I’m leaving you!”

      These conversations were before. They tried to convince me – what arguments are not used. Then our communication is held in a raised voice. It lasted more than an hour. In the end, the mother said, “But you’re not the man move in?” I replied that no, we finished.

      The next day I rented a flat and moved in. With my parents we haven’t spoken for a month. Mom and dad thought that I abandoned them. Then they realized that I was not coming back, and went to reconciliation. We talked and decided that this act went only benefit. From that moment began to appreciate time spent together.”

      Marina Zudina was arguing with my son for school.

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      “It all started just over six months before entering Paul’s the College,” says the actress, the wife of Oleg Tabakov. – My son had problems at school, he was tired of the process of learning, and he said: “Not all the teachers I agree in the world”. Happened absenteeism. First, there were talks, and then quarrel. But at some point I realized that it is impossible to constantly monitor the child, to live for him, and moved on. Quietly he said, “Well, if you do not pass the exams, then another year will be in the 9th grade. Do not worry.” What do you think? The situation began to change on eyes.

      Oleg Tabakov showed a luxury apartment in the center of Moscow

      Pasha finally realized that everything depends on it, need to fuss. One evening after the performance I invited the son how to sleep and not go to school the next day. “No, mom, really! – he answered. – I have exams. I have to attend the classes.

      So in 2011, the son he passed all the items, and calmly went to College. And the conflict ceased. Now I delicately follow the events in the life of Paul and see that he does much more than I could have imagined”.


      Nadezhda Babkina did not accept the daughter-in-law

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      “Seven years ago, in winter, to my suburban home was approached by two limousine – says the singer. From them spill out of elegant young people led to my son. The girls were dressed so frankly that I almost said only one word. “How much you paid for them?” I asked Dani when he came over to say Hello. “Mom, what are you! My friends –began to make excuses son. – We’re just at the party, decided to come for a while. I’m someone will introduce. Tanya, come here.”

      Точка кипения: что заставляет звезд ссориться с роднымиThere was a girl in a skirt almost to the navel, and it is in the January cold! I did not like it. Communication did not work. Later, the son explained that he and Tanya all seriously. I: well, I’ll do you! Two days later, beloved Dani came to visit. I don’t even recognized her immediately: a conservative dress, gently pick in the beam of the hair. Drank tea, chatted, laughed heartily. In the end Tanya and Dan were married, and I’m already a grandmother three times. No wonder they say that first impression is deceptive”.

      Boris Moiseev dragged the neighbors patties

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      “Over the years, you begin to understand how great to have native people and you are not alone in this world, – shares the singer. I have two brothers: Paul, who lives in Lithuania, and Marx in Canada. Despite the distance and different time zones, we support each other. A few years ago, shreds and Marik came to my birthday. But such good relations we had not always. In his youth foolishly we were fighting and mad at each other.

      When I was 10 years old, my mother and brothers lived in a communal apartment, where several families. My mom, God rest her soul, spent her days working at the tannery, in order to feed three boys. Money is not enough. I constantly wanted to eat. In the end, started to steal burgers from other people’s pots. This went on for several months. Neighbors by the time he managed to quarrel among themselves because of disappearing food.

      Точка кипения: что заставляет звезд ссориться с родными

      One afternoon, when everyone was at work, I came after school and on the old scheme snuck into the kitchen. Grabbed a couple of burgers, a minute ate. Get out of the kitchen and feel like a hand grabs me by the scruff of the neck. Shreds and Marik jumped me and caught stealing. After a slap was followed by a reprimand. I cried, but the stealing stopped. The brothers have not given me the neighbors, but then for a long time did not speak.

      Irina Agibalova reconciled daughter and son-in-law

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      “Eighteen months ago we were going to celebrate the birthday of Kirill, the son of my eldest daughter Oli – said the ex-participant reality show “House-2”. – The guys wanted to invite guests to our cottage in Sergiev Posad. I was against it, as did not have time to prepare the house for the arrival. About it and told Ola and her husband Ilya, Kazienko, suggested that they celebrate at the restaurant. Son-in-law tried to convince me but I stood my ground. In the end, he lost his temper and even said a few “gentle” – I’m so sorry! Daughter stood at my side: “How could you mom raise your voice!” Then I realized that even a little bit- catching scandal, but between Olga and Ilya. And the reason for that is me.

      Berry again: Star grandmother, whose age will surprise you

      Точка кипения: что заставляет звезд ссориться с роднымиTook himself in hand and eased the conflict – agreed-in-law, led the house in order, and we had a wonderful celebration. The experience of past years shows that if the time to stop, it is possible to avoid conflict. But if you keep being stubborn, then the argument will never end. In General I try to be less involved in the lives of Olga and Rita. First, they are adults, and they have their own head on his shoulders. And secondly, thanks to the project “Dom – 2” saw and realized that not always right. Now the dispute even more common side-in-law than daughter.”I immediately “turned on” henpecked is the best way to deal with a woman. First of all agreed with his beloved, second – and said a bunch of compliments, the third – hugged… And all! After half an hour it cooled down and we went to dinner. I learned long ago that it is not necessary to argue, it is easier to surrender to the mercy of the winner. Then you and feed, and prigolubit, and sleepy.

      Dmitry Guberniev time “turned heel”

      “The peculiarity of my work is that I talked too much – said the presenter. No wonder the house I want to be quiet and enjoy the silence. But sometimes close on me for this offense. A couple of months ago for this reason I had a conflict with the lady. She got mad at me for silence, and then remembered another, and a busy schedule, which I’m not always paying enough attention to her. Expressed all in the living room.

      I immediately “turned on” henpecked is the best way to deal with a woman. First of all agreed with his beloved, second – and said a bunch of compliments, the third – hugged… And all! After half an hour it cooled down and we went to dinner. I learned long ago that it is not necessary to argue, it is easier to surrender to the mercy of the winner. Then you and feed, and prigolubit, and sleepy.

      To me it was! Yes, I am henpecked, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. But does mumble do not consider myself. I – Libra zodiac sign, all the while teetering”

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