Билли Боб Торнтон мечтает работать с Бредом Питтом

Despite the fact that the relations of former and current husbands of Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie Billy Bob Tornton and Brad pitt were not always cloudless, and the last, it was said, made a scene of jealousy the wife due to the Association with the ex-spouse, Billy is not against to work with Brad. This he said in a recent interview with Playboy.

It is no secret that marriage of pitt and Jolie is bursting at the seams, and the actress even said that more men will have Affairs, hinting at her lesbian side, which has never concealed. Billy said in an interview that Angelina feels, despite the crisis in his personal life and upcoming the divorce process, but he would like to do a film with Brad pitt, and even figured out which roles they should play.
“For some it may come as a surprise, but I’d like to do a movie with Brad pitt. I think we would have played, for example, a couple of southern boys,” said Thornton.
With Angelina after the divorce they remained good friends, despite a difficult divorce in 2003.
“She is a wonderful person. Angie is one of those people who never left and never failed me. This has never happened..
We spoke with her recently by phone. I think she is doing well. We now remain close friends, but her own life, I have mine,” said Billy.