Возлюбленный Агнии Дитковските женился на дочке Сергея Гармаша Entourage actress shared her personal story. Shortly before the meeting with Alexei Chadov Agniya Ditkovskite was Dating a guy who has recently linked his life with the heiress of the famous artist. Classmates star also told how she remembered why refused boys Dating.

      Возлюбленный Агнии Дитковските женился на дочке Сергея Гармаша

      The film “Dance to death” with the actress in the lead role will be released on April 6. In anticipation of the premiere of “StarHit” he remembered that his first role Agnes played in 17 years. To play in the film Rezo Gigineishvili “Heat” girl-friend, where the plot was destined to become the sweetheart of hero Alexey Chadova, Agnes suggested that in the midst of her studies in the 11th grade. But the mother of the future star, actress Tatiana lutaeva, realized that such a chance should not give up, and agreed with the teachers of the Moscow school № 1247 with the Lithuanian bias, so that the daughter graduated from last five months externally. However, this did not prevent the graduate adequately to pass the exams.

      Star status

      Возлюбленный Агнии Дитковските женился на дочке Сергея Гармаша“Agnes remembered me as a very purposeful person, – says Tatiana Lashkevich, who taught a future celebrity Russian language. She came to us when she was 15 – immediately after moving their family from Vilnius. Russian knew no matter, he was listed in her list of items. But just over six months hard work the girl is already pretty well said it. Of course, she has not always turned out, because my subject to learn very complicated. To as quickly as possible to master recalcitrant language, she even went to the extra classes. Sometimes Agnes was nervous that he could not learn something – declension, declination, but quickly took itself in hands and to achieve goals. For my subject in its leaving certificate is well-earned four…

      …Ditkovskite all final examinations are on a General basis, without cronyism, although everyone already knew that she starred in the films along with such stars as Konstantin Kryukov, Alexei Chadov, Artur Smolyaninov… But no one is watching and star status of mother Agnes. Yes, and that status – we have studied and study other children of famous parents, and one that does not boast. So classmates agniyu was recruited as a mother, no she was not jealous. The boys loved spending time together not only school, but also outside of school. They went to each other’s homes or going on nature – roasted kebabs, listening to music…

      We, the teachers loved her too. But how else? Always friendly, polite, and asking how things are, ask if help is needed. And yet – excellent kulinarka. Although seemingly young girl – walk, guys head spin, and she’s already in those years loved the stove stand. Our school is regularly held Lithuanian crafts fair of kazukas, and Agnes always took part in it – home baked pancakes and brought them to treat everyone. Baking Agnes flew only so, still remember her taste… We the whole squad watching her work and is very happy about her victories. Sometimes, even Agnes runs to visit us, says the news shows pictures of his son Fyodor – it’s a very nice boy.”


      Возлюбленный Агнии Дитковските женился на дочке Сергея Гармаша

      But not all classmates are preserved good memories about Agnes.

      “Sometimes, she sat on a bench on the first floor of the school with a cigarette in one hand and juice in the other, – says Elena Naumova, a former pupil of the school № 1429, which in 2005 for the year transferred Ditkovskite and her classmates due to the reconstruction of the school № 1247. Literally in the first days of school we have Agnes met a student of 11th class Pasha Sidorov, and the guys began a relationship. Together they are “scored” to class I and other students often seen agniyu and Pasha strolling hand down the hall, while her entire class was sitting in the classroom. Then Ditkovskite went back to her school, and she started shooting in “Heat”. I don’t know from experience Chadov, who later became her husband, or because of lack of time, but their relationship with Pasha is gone. However, he has not grieved”.

      Just a year after this novel Paul met with Darya Garmash, the daughter of actor Sergei Garmash. The heiress to the famous surname and a former lover Agnes have been together for 9 years. Last year, the lovers got married, and in December their son was born. Alexey Chadov: “my son stand face control”

      Возлюбленный Агнии Дитковските женился на дочке Сергея Гармаша

      Did not Ditkovskite soul of the company and at school № 1429 Alexander Svetlakov. “She and her several boys and girls were kept apart – recalled Alexander. – Students were divided into two clans – a “local” and “outsiders”. We didn’t love them, and they were not eager to communicate with us. One of my friends tried to “drive up” to Agnes – she to be honest, the girl is very beautiful. A friend called her out, but she refused, although at the time a young person she was not. That’s such an arrogant Madame… But for one she and her friends still grateful: one of them in our school we have a whole year almost no lessons of algebra and geometry – not enough teachers”.