Малыш «в шоколаде»: что известно о роскошной жизни сына Собчак и Виторгана The son of TV presenter and actor was born in November last year. Very soon it will be two months. Since the birth of the charming of Plato was to him the centre of attention of the public. “StarHit” I learned about how to increase the heir to the stars.

      Малыш «в шоколаде»: что известно о роскошной жизни сына Собчак и Виторгана

      Charming Plato, son of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan, it will soon be two months. Until recently, celebrities have been chosen to protect the child from publicity. However, recently the TV presenter has shared a touching photograph handle the baby. The little one was wearing the chain of the brand Louis Vuitton. The brand has launched a charitable campaign to support children in need. Some Internet users were quick to notice that the heir to Sobchak and Vitorgan from childhood accustomed to luxury. “Gold from the cradle,” said one of podeschi Xenia. “StarHit” figured out how lives a little Plato.

      Ksenia Sobchak, for the first time about the baby, breastfeeding, and disputes with the husband


      After the birth of a child, Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan settled in a three-storey country house, located in a gated village “Gorki-8”, which journalists call “spring Paradise”.

      The stars share the posh real estate along with her mother presenter Lyudmila Narusova, helps daughter to care for her son. There is everything you need for a comfortable life, and most importantly – peace and quiet. About houses of celebrities constantly on duty armed guards, and among the neighbors of Ksenia and Maxim, you can find Oleg Mitvol, Irina Saltykov and Yuri Chaika.


      Plato from childhood accustomed to high-quality and reliable things. Some of them was given to Ksenia Sobchak as the chief editor of glossy magazines and popular blogger whose “Instagram” signed by more than four million people. Celebrity regularly shares in social networks photos of the gorgeous gifts of luxury brands, as well as photos of their shopping in the boutiques.

      Ksenia Sobchak is preparing a Royal room for the baby

      “I have not long ago began a period of “active breeding”, namely: infinite visiting websites design, purchasing napkins, plates and weighing of paintings in the home,” shared celebrity in December last year.

      To make a kid’s room, Xenia has gone to shop of children’s furniture on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. It is known that one of the most expensive brands sold in this place, prefer Natalia Vodianova, Chet bekhemov and sting. And among the first who appreciated its comfort, were the sons of Princess Diana. On the website boutique is not listed prices yet, but according to open sources, they can reach several hundred thousand rubles. This is approximately the amount estimated in the wardrobe of English manufacture.


      Ksenia Sobchak laid out in Instagram photo of her dressing room, where peacefully coexist the packets of jewelry from Tiffany & Co with educational Mat “Island singing monkey”. At other times, the presenter showed a letter from Natalia Vodianova, congratulates her on the birth of your son. The frame also got satin ribbon Baby Dior, which apparently was decorated by one star.

      Xenia also shared photos, which show packages with names famous in the capital, boutique clothing for children, selling brand of premium class.


      Convenient stroller – the key to long walks, so many mothers carefully choose the right model. Apparently, Ksenia Sobchak several carts to be ridden by children, very cheap. So, the celebrity has posted a photo of Dutch stamps, the cost of things which can reach up to 80 000 rubles.

      One of the first of the walks of Plato was held in the luxurious carriage of the English brand, whose name at one time was associated with the Royal family. In different years its products were used by grace Kelly and Queen Elizabeth II.