Асмус и Харламов впервые появились с дочерью на публике The stars took the heiress to the circus. Garik Kharlamov and Christine Asmus gave two year old daughter a big surprise. The baby first saw the trained predators. Came on the scene and her famous mother.

      Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus decided that it was time to go to daughter in the light. Anastasia two years, according to parents, has grown in order to attend mass entertainment. For a family vacation, the celebrity couple chose the circus.

      Kharlamov shared with his fans on the social network emotions from the sight. Star Comedy club, it seems, and he was happy to plunge into the world of childhood. But most of all he is pleased with the fact that her daughter was delighted. The more that show, along with Edgard Zapashny led her mother Christine Asmus.

      “For the first time took daughter to the circus on Vernadsky. Invited us brilliant brothers zapashnye. Daughter first saw live tigers, acrobats and clowns (though the clown sees from the first day). A lot of emotions. Today’s show was led by Edgard Zapashny and my wife. My daughter loved it” – shared the Garik.

      To fans imbued with the atmosphere of the holiday, Kharlamov published in Instagram the circus. On the stage were made by the tigers, and the audience sat with bated breath.

      “The photo can not see anything, but it personally struck me. The trainer of the tigers was hit in a terrible accident and lost both legs, but still went back to the circus and continued to speak and act great. Sample of will power and heroic endurance! His name is Vitaly Smoljanac. After the number of the whole circus applauded standing! A lot of emotions from the sight. Come to the circus. It’s cool. Thanks to the brothers Zapashny for a lovely evening at the circus” – summed up the first family to light the showman.

      Recall that Kristina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov together for several years. The stars got married in 2013. All were surprised at the Union of the actress and star of the Comedy Club, because Garik role of the mischievous revelers, and Christina – the girl serious. However, according to the wife of the showman, at home he behaves differently than in popular Comedy program.

      “In life, even at two percent he display not like. He was a different person – serious, wise, well-mannered, well-read, very erudite. Of course, he’s the boss in our house. And their work, creating an image on stage, he’s doing just fine. But, of course, at home we have time for humor, jokes, jokes but it’s not below the belt, not the ones that are often heard from the ether,” said Asmus in an interview with “StarHit”.