Эшли Грэм родила первенца

Эшли Грэм родила первенца

Model Ashley Graham and her husband, Justin Ervin to become the first parents. About this joyous event was attended by Ashley in the social network Instagram. She said its 10-million-strong audience that on 18 January at 18:00 their life turned for the better and they have become parents. The model also thanked everyone for their support and kind words that she heard for nine months from their fans.

A few months ago, Graham said that she and her husband expect a boy, the name they have chosen, but do not hurry to reveal to the public all the cards. Natural childbirth was scheduled for January 11, and Ashley had always joked that he horoscope Capricorn, just like his dad. Although the baby was a little late in the mother’s womb, and was born January 18, it did not prevent him to become the same sign as the father.

Throughout the pregnancy, Ashley was done with followers their feelings and condition. Continuously published a shots with candid photo shoots. Her naked pregnant body, and some admired, but others were shocked, but Graham paid no attention to it. Everything else, to the last day of the pregnancy model has continued his training in the gym under the strict supervision of a personal trainer. Videos from these sessions she also showed her audience in Instagram.

How was the birth and all the details of this process are still unknown, apparently Ashley is in a nursing home. But we are sure that soon she’ll tell the world how born her first baby.

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