Как Тейлор Свифт и Кристен Стюарт пострадали из-за Дональда Трампа

Politics Donald trump is the new President of the United States – against women is extremely categorical. The former businessman does not believe in feminizatio and acts against women came somewhere outside of the kitchen or home.

Of course, such relationships in the beautiful half don’t like the half, because the next day after the inauguration of the trump across the country were organized protest marches under the name “Women’s March”. In different cities “States” you could see hundreds of women, among whom were celebrities. They advocated that the government drew attention to the problems of society (in particular, they tried to defend women’s right to abortion and spoke out against racism and sexism).

Among the protesters could meet Blake lively, Amy Schumer, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Melissa Benoist, Madonna and many others. But for some reason did not feel the need to defend women’s rights along with them Taylor swift.

Instead, the singer left Twitter a letter in which he noted how she was proud of those who fight for their ideals.

“Sending much love, pride and respect for those who were on the March. I am proud that I am a woman, today and every day”, wrote Taylor.

Subscribers reacted to the message swift, obviously, not the way she expected.

“You got something with his leg or something? Why didn’t you go to the March?”, “As your fan, I can say that this is complete garbage. If you were a real feminist, you would have spoken out against Donald trump and not just urged everyone to vote on election day”, — wrote unhappy.

Well, now Taylor will need to try to regain the love of thousands of fans.

In addition to Taylor to get hurt because trump had and Kristen Stewart.

The star of “Twilight Saga” received a scolding from the odious politician because of her breakup with Robert Pattinson and her scandalous adultery with the Director of the film “snow white and the huntsman” Rupert Sanders. Recall that in 2012 the star of the movie “Twilight” cast your partner Robert Pattinson, destroying the beloved “vampire” a couple, but at the same time and marriage to Sanders, for the sake of a fleeting affair.

“Robert Pattinson should not forgive Kristen Stewart. It was awful, changing him, and she’ll do it again – believe me. He deserves more!” — wrote trump in his Twitter. So if he was interested in this topic? We doubt it. But what did not make for PR…