Как Бейонсе снимали с потолка

36-year-old Beyonce and 48-year-old Jay Z are traveling now and give concerts within the joint tournament On The Run II. The singer had no idea that it may be stuck on the ceiling during one of his concerts.

Как Бейонсе снимали с потолка

July 1, Saturday, another concert took place in Warsaw. During the performance, suspension design is stuck in the air, along with Beyonce. No need to panic! Star was rescued using ladders. The stage was framed unit, on which the singer could not tread. She was in big boots and was afraid I would fall down the stairs. But with the support of fans, the singer still managed to go down and the concert continued as if nothing had happened.

Chic concerts Beyonce loves the audience, but who suspected that the singer is a real star disease? 64-year-old Lawson Tina Knowles, mother of singer Beyonce, earlier gave an interview to a leading Maria Shriver about star-struck daughter. As a child, her daughter didn’t get along. Beyonce went crazy from the increased attention of the younger sisters, of which mother had to take the children to a therapist. Helped? “I took them to counseling at an early age to a psychologist could help Beyonce to be more lenient with Solange,” explained Knowles Lawson. “She couldn’t stand another minute with her. You know, they were young, Solange wanted to be with a Bi, tried to communicate with her friends, and Beyonce is incredibly annoying, it placed itself above sisters. I spent a lot of time for my girls to understand that there are other people that need to worry. I think it’s really important.”

It seems that psychotherapy is not very helpful Beyonce, because in interviews she often calls his musical talent a “gift of God”. “I have a genuine, God has given me a gift that separates me from all others”;

“I was lucky to achieve what is the dream of the younger generation of Queens. I do not claim to a foreign throne. I have enough of the throne, I hold the last 15 years”; “I know I’m powerful, I’m even more powerful than my brain can comprehend” – usually speaks of himself beyoncé.

Also there is the story of Beyonce, in which she told about the struggle of the mother with her stardom. “I remember that after our first single on the radio I’m a little crazy, — says the singer. — I felt so popular, so hot. Once we came with my mom to the store with disks, and there I began to sing. Just didn’t want to hear what I told mom. And dynamics sounded my song, and I sang. People began to look back: “It’s beyoncé!” And here mom swung and slapped me a slap, I actually saw “stars” around your head” – admitted to one Beyonce.