Анна Семенович удивила перевоплощением в Анну Каренину
The singer in the image of the heroine of Leo Tolstoy’s novel helped the team Ministry.

Anna Semenovich

Photo: @ann_semenovich (Instagram Anna Semenovich)

Anna Semenovich loves to arrange surprises for fans. So, recently the singer has turned into… Anna Karenina. As it turned out, not just.

In the final of the Premier League KVN Semenovich was a stellar assistant team Voronezh Institute of EMERCOM “Is worth saving”. For singer it is not the first appearance on the stage under the WHC. She has already participated in the show and could feel his among the funny and inventive (by the way, so — “among their Own” — was the name of the competition, which was attended by Anna).

By the way, recently Semenovich configures itself, others and fans to positive thinking: publishes motivational statements that help her fans to overcome difficulties. Not so long ago, the singer admitted that for a long time could not accept who she is. However, now it is in the past. “Every day, I chose the mask as a dress, from fear of the world and people, from fear of condemnation and misunderstanding and lived the role of others. Recently I started to love myself, completely different and not very good, sober and not very thin and not really, I stopped caring (someone else’s) opinion, which for so long ruled my life! I’m concerned for (my) attitude, and it gives such a great freedom that I want to give you, my favorite positivity!” — admitted Anna.