Анне Ардовой потребовалась срочная операция
Recently information was made public about the urgent hospitalization of actress Anna Ardovs.

Анне Ардовой потребовалась срочная операция

The press attache of the theater. Mayakovsky said that currently, Anna is not busy in the performances, and rehearsals, so she decided to take care of your health.

Анне Ардовой потребовалась срочная операция

“Despite the fact that the anniversary season the theatre closes June 28, performances with the participation of Ardovs not this week. In rehearsals she’s not involved, so I decided to go for planned treatment now,” said the representative of the theatre.

After some time, reported that the night Anna needed emergency surgery on the kidney due to a serious illness. So far, neither from the artist nor from her family no comments were received.

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