Анджелина Джоли запрещает своему отцу общаться с внуками

Relations angelina Jolie’s father has always been strained. Jon Voight wasn’t always happy with the behavior and lifestyle of his daughter. When she became a mother, adopting a first child, Voight slightly changed their attitude to the heir, and hoped that her life would now change for the better. So, basically happened. Shortly after the first adoption, Jolie had an affair with brad pitt and know true happiness.

New life, however, has not changed Jolie’s relationship to the father. In his face she had not seen the credibility and respect it even just for the fact that thanks to him she appeared. This situation persists to this day. Angelina does not come into contact with Voight and is not committed to her children talked with his grandfather.

Анджелина Джоли запрещает своему отцу общаться с внуками

“The fact that Angelina just doesn’t like John and doesn’t see why he would deserve access to children. He was a terrible father and she would never forgive him and will not forget the past,” says the insider, adding that John still hopes that her daughter will have mercy. Actor every week, sends her messages that asks her to change her opinion about him.

By the way, while 78-year-old Voight is trying to communicate with Jolie, fans of the actress are sounding the alarm about children. Recently Angelina was spotted with kids at the bookstore. The appearance of twins Knox and Vivienne made their fans of the actress to wonder whether all with them is good. Pale complexion, which seemed to many gray, dark circles under the eyes and sad look – that describe the eight-year-old brother and sister.

Children definitely need a rest, a change of scenery and the settlement of family relations.