Анфиса Чехова избавилась от свадебного платья
Star put the outfit up for auction.

Anfisa Chekhova and Guram bablishvili

Photo: @achekhova (Instagram Anfisa Chekhova)

To store a wedding dress in the wardrobe was, apparently, quite fashionable. Stars are following this trend and one after the other get rid of their wedding dresses. If Olga Buzova chose her dress burned at the filming of the video, Cornelia Mango just sold it, Anfisa Chekhov decided to give the bride’s attire to charity.

On the wedding dress of Anfisa was put up for auction. “Put up for sale my wedding dress from designer Katie kormich. It’s unreal. When I was a size 48, but 46-Oh well sits down, and girls with smaller shapes it is suitable. The money raised will go to a shelter for pregnant women! Such shelters not one but 50.

Unfortunately, interesting does not protect a woman from difficult life situations. And sometimes, on the contrary, even encourages them! And if we don’t help, they won’t. I participate in the auction because you can’t go past the women and children who are in the most beautiful period of any women who were in distress!” — said Anfisa.

Recall that Chekhov got married with Guram Bablishvili in the Seychelles in 2015. The celebration was strictly classified, and among the guests were only the closest friends of Kim and her husband. The most important among them was the General son of the couple, and Solomon, who at the time of marriage of his parents was for three years.