Андрей Малахов стал отцом двух девочек Presenter baptized granddaughter colleagues and the winner of the project “StarHit”. Two significant events in the life of Andrei Malakhov occurred with a difference in two weeks. Now celebrity five godchildren.

      Андрей Малахов стал отцом двух девочек

      Today TV presenter and chief editor of the magazine “StarHit” in fifth time became the godfather. In the Church of the Vernicle in Gireiev he baptized one of the winners of the project “on vacation with Andrei Malakhov” 38-year-old Olga Prosviryakova, just recently returned together with other 11 lucky ones with a holiday in Sardinia. Godmother Oli became her colleague, best friend, mentor, named sister Valentina Govorov. The story of Olga Prosviryakova read in one of recent issues of the magazine “StarHit”.

      To undergo the rite of baptism has long been a big dream Oli. She believes in God, fasted on bread and water, and often goes to Church, wears a cross and an icon on the neck. The Ordinance passed in an atmosphere of solemnity, lasted about an hour, and did the ceremony personally by the Abbot of the Church father Andrew, handing the girl the first prayer book. In conclusion, happily smiling Olga congratulated all the parishioners. And godfather Andrey Malakhov gave her little gold earrings and an icon of a guardian angel.

      Two weeks before this, on 11 September, the broadcaster became the godfather of two months, Mary, granddaughter of longtime producer of the programme “Let them talk” and “Tonight” Natalia Galekovic.

      “We’ve been friends with Andrew for over 16 years – shared with StarHit” Natalia. – He’s like a brother to me, my daughter Dasha grew up in front of him. And it was her request that Andrew was the godfather of Masha. This is very important in life. The sacrament was held in the Church of the Resurrection, the ceremony was conducted by father Igor. She behaved very well, crying only when she was submerged in water. A christening is a little bit delayed, and granddaughter to the same missed one feeding, so by the end of the rite first, a little bit capricious. Andrew gave Mary a large icon of St. Mary Magdalene”.

      Same baby’s godmother was the sister of her dad – Catherine. The picture of her son Alexander, which Andrew shared in social networks on the day of the christening, I made a lot of noise. “Here boy”, signed the Malakhov.

      At Malakhov has three godchildren: children Philip Kirkorov-Alla-Victoria and Martin, and the son of close friends of Boris.