Андрей Чуев пытается остановить травлю Марины Африкантовой The man decided to speak about a rupture with the beloved. The star of “House-2” said that he was unpleasant attacks from the subscribers. He wants the followers do not leave negative comments in the microblog Africanoboi, because it can greatly hurt it. Chuev said that he did everything to build a strong relationship with the chosen one and it was sincere.

      Andrey Chuev tried to protect Marina Afrikantov. On his page on “Instagrame” a man wrote that can not remain indifferent, seeing that the girl followers are accused of treason. Andrew explained that accepts the selection of the former lady and willing to put up with him. His problem, according to the stars “House-2” should not disturb anyone, and he is able to solve them.

      Chuev fell into a deep depression after the break with Africanoboi

      “I beg you not to write insults Marina, I’m really not offended, it’s her choice. I had a lovely time, thinking that we love each other. The hardest and worst of me just because I can’t do anything to stop the law of the boomerang. I ask everyone not to write Marina insults, because she will cry and be upset, and I don’t want it,” said Chuev in the Network.

      Note that Andrew did not keep emotions and remembered when I first broke up with Marina. Then, according to Chueva, the girl was attacked by the participants of the project. They tried to get rid of with a show not only Afrikantova, but also her mother. The man admitted that he had done everything possible to not his fiancee became depressed and started to believe in their own strength. Chuev sure that thanks to him, Marina was able to overcome all difficulties and to take part in the contest “Man of the year” at the “House-2”.

      “She was crying because she was betrayed by her own mother. Mother, who do not care about their daughter and all around. I loved her truly. I’m tired of hearing accusations about situations that come up with myself, because I really wanted to Marinochka smiled, and smiled at Marina, when she was growing subscribers,” admitted Andrew on Instagram.

      Chuev assured followers that he did not intend to continue the relationship with Africanoboi, therefore, asks subscribers not to bother him with unnecessary questions. He also thanked his beloved in the two years that they were together. “Thank you, Marina, for a time when I thought we’d be together forever on earth and in heaven,” he wrote in the social network.

      Andrey Chuev is threatening to settle scores with life from-for Marina Afrikantov

      Recall that on the sudden breakup of the pair became known during the recording of the next broadcast of “House-2”. Andrey Chuev said that he decided to leave the telestroke. The project left Gosias Alexander and Konstantin Ivanov. The majority of participants were confident that Marina Afrikantov will go after her man, but she refused. It was Cheuva a real shock, he wanted to commit suicide, but friends at the time managed to stop him.

      “I’m not mad at the Marina, everyone has their own ideals,” said the man in the microblog.

      The discord in the relationship Chueva and Africanoboi has caused an unprecedented response among former members of the famous electroni. Liberi Kadono expressed his opinion about the current situation. It does not view the act of the Marina as a voluntary decision, and is confident that she succumbed to the persuasion of producers who wanted to increase the ratings of the transmission.

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      “A copy of mom in the head some money and popularity. They could at least warn him before a talk show that will not leave him! And if someone starts to speak, but finally, the Marina has started to make serious decisions, you know, this is the decision she made with the filing of the organizers to raise your rating, and she wanted to sneeze on morals and principles!” I’m Kadono in Instagram.

      To confirm the instability of the relationship Africanoboi, Liberi made a photo collage, which brought together four men with whom the girl was trying to build love in the time of being on the “House-2”. Interestingly, Kadono does not protect Chueva, considering that he got what he deserved, but Liberg unpleasant that he had done so.

      Note that the ex-boyfriend of Marina Afrikantov Egor khalyavin was not so categorical in their judgments. In his opinion, the girl did not deserve the accusations against him. He is sure that ex-girlfriend made the right decision. “Marina grew up on our project, now is not listening to the herd that dictates her own conditions! And for me, and it was clear that this will all end,” said Yegor in Instagram.