Андрей Черкасов откроет правду о забытых участниках «Дома-2» Very soon on the TNT reality show star Andrei Cherkasov will present a series of short films about former members of the famous building. It will show how their life has developed outside the perimeter, will reveal all the secrets that are already inaccessible to the objects of the cameras and audiences of millions.

      Andrei Cherkasov is actively involved in a new case. He is currently working on a section that is dedicated to the participants of the project “Dom–2”. It will be about young people whose lives are on telestroke were really interesting to the public. In his microblog Cherkasov shared the photo with family Saribekovich and kapelus. He was intrigued by subscribers, claiming that soon they’ll know the cause of the long quarrel sisters Kolesnichenko, will see how Julia and Katya came to a compromise and how each of them happily married.

      “Continue to withdraw his column about former members of “House–2”. Today I learned how is the life of sisters Kolisnichenko. About how they had a fight, did not communicate a year and found the strength to make peace . Soon on TNT

      Recall that Julia and Katya left the project in February 2013, but the lives of the twin sisters still care about that tens of thousands of people who are constantly watching the girls in social networks. For a long time in the families of the sisters was a complete disorder. As soon as their personal life began to take shape, both appeared mutual claims, which were eventually the cause of much quarrel sisters Kolisnichenko. However, during these three years, Julia and Kate already happened, to create a strong unit of society, to try yourself in different guises. In 2014, the family Saribekovich claimed that Kate wanted to try his luck as a participant of the song contest “Eurovision”, but it didn’t come to that.

      Sisters Kolisnichenko told why he ceased to communicate

      Andrei Cherkasov by chance chose sisters as the heroines of their headings. Their lives as former members of “House–2” is constantly surrounded by scandals. For two years users of social networks are actively discussing the activities that girls have resorted. The opinion of the audience about the increased parts of the body and smoothed wrinkles is rather ambiguous. Despite the experimentation with the appearance, Julia realized myself as a mother. Married with Tigran by Alibekova had a couple kids. They are also thinking about a third child, because the mother of Tigran really wants a granddaughter. In turn, Kate is married with Nikita kapelus since February 2014, but the couple has never expressed a desire to become parents. Despite the fact that both sisters are full of worries outside the perimeter of the show, they are sometimes be on site.

      Likely that among the heroes of a series of short films will be Evgeny Kuzin, and Alexander Artyomov. Guys not so long ago left the telestroke and continue to build relationships outside their cells. However, they often appear on the program as guests. On his page in Instagram some time ago the magazine put the picture mentioned to the followers that the guys are all well, and in a short time they can be seen regularly. Does this mean that Sasha and Zhenya took part in the filming of the column about the former stars of “House–2”, is unclear. It is obvious that Andrei Cherkasov does not hurry to share the details of her creative work, which will soon be handed down to the audience.