Anastasia Volochkova has a new boyfriend The day before, Nastya Volochkova performed another charity concert in Istra.

Anastasia Volochkova has a new boyfriend There is a feeling that the banquet was so good that in the morning I had to restore my health and this recovery was delayed.
To relax, Nastya went for a ride in a car and, throwing her legs on the “torpedo” of the car, began to shoot stories, introducing her driver named Khan along the way.

Anastasia Volochkova has a new boyfriend

Enjoying the moment and the fact that she “can afford it, ”Nastya, with a slurring tongue, recorded a rather long monologue on the topic that this nice man named Khan was just her friend, but immediately made it clear that they were going to rest aimlessly.
Well, and then Volochkova began to talk about the fact that she can afford young people, because only with such she can also meet.

At the same time, the guy looked like a person who does not really understand what is happening at all and does not know whether he should be happy with such happiness or not. True, Nastya agreed with all the statements and obediently nodded his head.

Anastasia Volochkova has a new boyfriend

Nastya entered the role and forgot that Khan was just friend, began to caress his hand with her hand, well, and Khan reciprocated her.

Anastasia Volochkova has a new boyfriend

Well, then there were flowers in the story and, of course, Nastya's legs, from which, as it seems to her, all men go crazy.

During this trip, Volochkova also took a photo where she poses against the backdrop of the towers of Moscow City with a comment – And I, beautiful, live as I want! And this is the whole Volochkova.

So, Nastya Volochkova is doing well – she is sure that she is beautiful and men just go crazy with the opportunity to just be with her.

I wonder where that same Turkish millionaire, owner of football clubs, newspapers, steamboats and everything else. They had such a love that neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor described with a pen.

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