Анастасия Волочкова подверглась критике за совместный портрет с Николаем II

The reasons for criticism of Anastasia Volochkova was more than enough. Why are only famous twines ballerina and her candid concert costumes, in which she speaks to children.

This time the attention of Internet users attracted the publication of Anastasia, where she poses in one of the walls of his elegant home.

Looking at the catches the eye is not so much a real Volochkova, as drawn. The fact is that in the picture, near where the picture was taken, she is shown with the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. This gesture was not liked by the followers, and many even Volochkova accused of blasphemy, it is known that Nicholas II was canonized.

Here is what the Anastasia says about the picture: “having Visited the Church on blood in Yekaterinburg on the site of the execution of the Royal family, I wanted to post a picture of Tsar Nicholas II in my house as a memory. And here he is on one of our murals. The nice people from the company Palazzo Fresco, which was commissioned frescoes for the whole of my townhouse, I made this mural so fast. With Olga and Nikita we are together it is mounted. As a result of you Harmoniously?”

Laudatory reviews Anastasia did not wait. Instead, ballerina collapsed wave of criticism in the form of comments, which she hurried to delete, than has even more angered followers: “Anastasia appeals to the members and asks the question, so people have the right to leave comments”, “the opinion asked, and now removes comments, Crazy It’s portraits of dead people, especially a horrible death, to hang among the living energy. This is very bad”.

And what about the new purchase Anastasia you say?