Отец Романа Трахтенберга подозревает,что сына отравили

The father of the TV presenter and showman Roman trachtenberg Lev Gorbunov considers that seven years ago his son was poisoned. The official version of death of celebrities are considered weak heart and adipose gipotez (replacement of liver cells fat cells), but Gorbunov confident around his son was too many envious and wanting to get his money.

“Roman never complained of feeling unwell, his health has always been so good because of his sudden departure, and became such a shock. One day I was approached by one woman and hinted that the death of the son the fault of the diet. Roman dropped 30 kilos in record time. I think that it could just be poison. Around him was always a lot of envious, greedy for his money,” — said Gorbunov.
Recall that the showman died 20 November 2009. He became ill during the airwaves with Lena Batinova. Roman was hospitalized, but doctors nothing he couldn’t help.