Эми Шумер оставила 1000 долларов чаевых бармену

When in my personal life everything is fine, the soul is inclined to generosity. American actress Amy Schumer , and her boyfriend Ben Hanish Islands attended a performance of “Hamilton” on Broadway on Saturday. The evening was a success, and the artist in the company of her boyfriend and friends enjoyed the setting, and then in high spirits, thanked the bartenders unprecedented exchange of a tip.

Эми Шумер оставила 1000 долларов чаевых бармену
According to the employee Madeleine Degon, comedienne ordered a few drinks for his company, and leaving, well rewarded staff.
“Our Manager gave us a order, and we executed it. During the intermission, someone from the team Sumer approached my colleague and handed a receipt with the words: “Amy wanted to make sure that you get it.” My employee looked at him and didn’t know what to say, we didn’t believe their eyes,” said Madeleine.
The girl added that often catered to celebrities, and often received a generous tip, but never the amount is not so huge.

Recall that with furniture designer Ben Hanisim Amy had an affair in late December of last year. The couple filled their pages with photos of the joint and does not get tired to believe in more than serious. Amy constantly confesses his love to her cavalier, and he calls her “the perfect woman”.

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