Эмбер Херд втянула в семейный конфликт друга Деппа The actress has filed a lawsuit against a friend for libel. Comedian Doug Stanhope has published an article in which he said that amber heard was ready to go at all in order to obtain a divorce with johnny Depp, whom she married just over a year ago. Hollywood star hopes to receive financial compensation for the offensive words.

      Эмбер Херд втянула в семейный конфликт друга Деппа

      Fans of one of the most beautiful couples of Hollywood actor johnny Depp and actress amber heard, with bated breath, watching the development of the scandal between spouses. The public does not cease to discuss the upcoming divorce of celebrities. Not deprived of attention the news and a friend of Depp, well-known comedian Doug Stanhope. He described his vision loud and separation of the pair published an article in one of the American publications.

      Scandalous divorce johnny Depp and amber heard: what really triggered it

      The actress was angry that her husband wrote some incriminating information about amber. So, the man said that Hurd said Depp about his willingness to do anything in order to get a divorce. Wouldn’t stop her and outright lies. However, the Hollywood star is outraged such a statement comic, what is more, it has filed a lawsuit against Doug. Amber accuses him of defamation and demands financial compensation. If the actress wins the case, it will forward the amount received to the charity Fund for the protection of women from domestic violence in Arizona.

      Not so long ago a court in Los Angeles decided to ban johnny Depp to approach the herd and even chat with her. In the Internet appeared the terrible images of beatings, which had left after a quarrel between the spouses. As asserted, the actress, husband thrown into her cell phone. As a result, her beautiful face appeared terrible bruises. Amber did not hide that for a small period of time that the spouses have lived in marriage between them quite often, emerging conflicts, and Hollywood actor not once raised a hand to her feet. Hurd admitted that her partner beat her, and dragged by the hair. According to the allegations heard, and in such cases he often was in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

      Amber heard showed signs of beating husband. PHOTO

      Following the hearing of the divorce of celebrities will take place on 17 June. Despite the fact that Hurd insisted that Depp was forcibly sent on a course on anger management, this statement, the court did not support. Representatives of johnny Depp’s claim that words heard are not true.

      “They are both temperamental and capricious nature with his own opinion on any issue,” said people from the environment of the pair. – Views do not often coincide, and people with strong characters it is always hard to admit wrong or to take the first step towards reconciliation. Worse yet, johnny and amber are stubborn and have a tendency to dramatize”.

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