Алена Свиридова проверит невестку на заболевания The actress is worried about the future of sons. Star watching circle of heirs and dreams of grandchildren. However, according to the artist, the chosen sons will be difficult to bond with their family.

      Star 90s, Alena Sviridova think about the future of their sons. 30-year-old heir of the artist Vasily lives with his father in Canada and works as a programmer. The youngest child of the singer Grigory, born in a civil marriage with a male model Dmitry Miroshnichenko, will soon celebrate the 14th birthday. Sviridov understand that very soon her heirs will appear girls, who will claim a place of their family members. Alena Sviridova protects son from women

      Alena admitted that was trying to protect Gregory from excessive communication with the girls. That is why the boy is studying in the cadet corps. Sviridov also closely relates to health issues. The singer admits that dreams of grandchildren, but this will need to be carefully prepared.

      “As a future mother-in-law, I can now declare my potential daughter-in-law: “Honey, come on, go and get tested for certain markers! Now we’ll see whether you have any wrong chromosomes”. As if suddenly the same – it’s an occasion to reflect and, perhaps, prevent some really serious disease,” – said the star.

      The artist tries to follow the latest trends in order to be a modern mother. According to Sviridova, she enjoys all the products of technological progress, developing fashionable gadgets and monitors trends in music. As recognized Alain, it does not load your head with nonsense: not watching TV, but also tries to reduce consumption of junk food.

      “I do not feel time:, how to grow my son, I can understand that it still is. I have a feeling that I’m living in one long day. And I don’t think my attitude something will change in 60 years. I would like, of course, to not let his own body. What can you afford now? Can afford to not care about public opinion. It does not care,” admitted Sviridov.

      However, fans of Alena never ceases to amaze me when a woman puts photos in a swimsuit. The microblog followers praise her slim legs and thin waist. “Clever and beautiful”, “you look Great, always a pleasure to watch”, “the Charm of you”, – wrote in the comments of the fans of the actress. “The older you get, the less you need to eat. It’s very easy to say but very difficult to do, because around us there are too many temptations,” explained Sviridov in an interview Woman.ru.