После инаугурации Трампа звезда «Трансформеров» объявил четырехлетнюю забастовку

Donald trump has entered a new position of President of the United States. Thousands of protests that took place over a couple of days before the inauguration did not prevent the latter-day policy to take the seat of head of state.

The protest was attended by many figures of culture and art, cinema, and showbiz, etc.

Was no exception and star of “Transformers” Shia LaBeouf. However, to act the wizard of ambiguous actions decided again non-traditional. Their protest against trump LaBeouf expressed a four-year strike, the newspaper said Hill.

What it will be expressed, it is not clear.

Whether LaBeouf to star in a movie during this time is not specified.

Demonstration of resistance Chailly is also expressed in the phrase “He will not separate us” (He will not divide us), you can say in front of the camera installed in front of the Museum of the moving image in new York, anyone. The number of times is not limited. In front of the camera, you can spend a whole day.

“In this way, the mantra “He will not separate us” acts as a demonstration of resistance or persistence of the opposition, or optimism, which is guided by the spirit in each participant and society”, — stated in the message.