Адель готова на 10-летний перерыв в работе ради сына

World tour Adele album “25” is coming to an end, and fans of the singer to remember it as best as possible, to attend at least one concert performer. So the advice we give in the light of recent reports from the singer. The fact that the British decided to leave in the shade and take a big pause in his creative activity.

According to the nearest environment of the actress, the career break may take ten years. This period is chosen completely random and it is connected with the family of the performer.

Adele said repeatedly that the main priority of her life is her son Angelo. Now the boy is 4 years and soon he will go to school, because can not, as before, to accompany mom in her creative journeys.

In order not to part with her son, Adele has decided to suspend concert activity and to stay with your child until he finish school: “Angelo is the main priority of her life. She doesn’t want to miss anything in his childhood and growing up and certainly willing to give up for this from tour.”

Inother matters, those close to Adele informants believe that to completely abandon the tour, it will not. Sometimes the British can still be seen on the stage, if it will not be nomadic way of life associated with constantly moving and flights.

By the way, the experts considered that within the tour “25” Adele needs to give 107 concerts, which will bring her a profit of 100 million pounds. At the moment, the state of the singer’s 65 million.