Адам Левин взял на себя расходы на похороны своей подопечной Кристины Гримми, убитой в Орландо

Last weekend, without exaggeration, be called a “bloody weekend”. Orlando (USA) was quite a few of the shootings, which killed several dozen people. Among the victims of these events was the finalist of the talent show “The Voice” 22-year-old Christina Grimmie.

Speaking in the concert hall Plaza Live June 10, Christine could not even think about making this the last time. At the end of the event, Grimmie went to expect the fans to give them autographs, take pictures and socialize. But at some point, face to face, she was faced with an armed man. The few seconds it took him to make a bloody shot and kill Christina. Then, when apprehending the suspect tried the brother of the girl, he committed suicide and shot himself with the same gun.

This story still boggles the mind as stars of show business and ordinary people, fans and family Grimmie.

Knowing how big the loss is now experiencing the family of Christine, care of the funeral I decided to take the coach of the girls on the show Adam Levine.

“This morning I found out that Adam Levine has personally called my mother and said that he would personally pay for the funeral and her flight. I was just amazed,” he wrote on his Facebook brother of the deceased mark. He also thanked all who supported his family in such a difficult time.


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