Актер Джош Бролин снялся голым в Instagram

An unexpected surprise has made his followers in the role of Thanos in “Guardians of the Galaxy.

Pleasant surprise – is the question. However, most Brolio, apparently, completely still, did he get from the contemplation of his naked body to someone aesthetic pleasure or not. “Once there was a guy who was all for…” – signed picture Josh, which he drinks from a mug, sitting in a chair beside the trailer in the national Park “Joshua Tree”. Completely naked look and throw on the table legs as if alluding to the fact that Brolin is the most “dude, who do…”.

Once upon a time, there was a dude who didn’t give a…

Photo published by Josh Brolin (@joshbrolin) Sep 16 2016 at 8:59 PM PDT

What was the reason for “naked” selfies from a serious actor, is anyone’s guess. One can only assume that this picture was a response to Josh to publish to Instagram a “Nude” photo of his bride Katherine Boyd, which appeared there the day before.