7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
“Four kids is not the limit,” — says Ekaterina Klimova, Maria Sittel, Natalia Vodianova and other celebrities.

Ekaterina Klimova — two sons, two daughters

7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами

Ekaterina Klimova — a mother of four children

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Actress Ekaterina Klimova has always believed that she is primarily a mother and only then the actress. Her oldest daughter Lisa was born in 2002, when Catherine was first married to a jeweler Ilya Horoshilovym. Alas, the marriage ended after two years. The actress fell in love with the actor Igor Petrenko on the set
the series “the Best city in the world”. They married and came to light sons Matthew (2006) and Roots (2008). However the farther. the more complicated were the relations of the couple, in 2013, the actors ceased to live together, and a year later officially
divorced. Klimova started Dating actor Gela Meskhi. “We Gela has long been one family and live together. For children
this is not news — shared Klimov shortly before the birth of his younger daughter, Bella. And, of course, they know that I’ll have a baby, and look forward to it. Matthew and Roots already
so the adults that they all know about my current situation and
gladly helping me in everything”. 5 June 2015 Meskhi and Klimov secretly married,
and in early October 2015 at the happy couple was born

Maria Sittel — a daughter and three sons

7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами

Maria Sittel is the mother of four children

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Recently it became known that the leading program “Vesti” Maria Sittel pregnant in
for the fifth time. The news on the TV channel “Russia”, as always, reacted with understanding. Besides, everyone knows that the presenter is not delayed on maternity leave and returns to work at the earliest opportunity. So Maria is not afraid to give birth. Her oldest daughter Daria was born in 1996 married with the person about whom Sittel to tell
doesn’t like. It is only known that the relationship of the couple deteriorated shortly after the birth of the child, and the couple broke up. Second marriage presenter — with businessman Alexander Tereschenko was truly happy. Sittel gave birth to three sons: Ivan
(2010), Sava (2012) and Nicholas (2013), and soon the light will be the fifth child of Mary. “You know, the more children,
the more the Lord gives you strength. With one much more complicated, with four easier.
This is a paradox. In any case — how many children, becoming a mother, you
will not have the whole evening to just sit with a book or a TV show. With
the birth of a child changes your whole life, and you need to be ready”, —
Sittel said in an interview with the magazine “7 Days”.

Evgeniya Dobrovolskaya — three sons and a daughter

7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами

Evgeniya Dobrovolskaya is the mother of four children

Photo: Mark Steinbock

The actress Evgeniya Dobrovolskaya — four children, each one its own father. The firstborn son, Stepan, was born in 1986, when the actress was
married to a colleague Vyacheslav Baranov. Second marriage — to actor
Ephraim — was born at Eugene son Kolya.
The identity of the father of the third child artist — son John — has long been shrouded in a fog of mystery. Later it turned out that this actor Yaroslav Boyko, who on the set
the movie “Doubt” in 2001, Eugene happened to office romance. But Yaroslav stopped these relations — for the sake of marriage with Lithuania
dancer Ramune, Hodogaya. Third husband
the actress was the cameraman Dmitry Manannikov, and in light of the long-awaited daughter Anastasia, the fourth child actress. “My
children — they’re my family, relatives, beloved people. It’s hard for me to love someone else
man, even if at some time he became my sexual partner. Not
I want to be “strapped” to some husbands or men. In my life nothing
changed neither sheep, nor Wilkens, nor Khabensky, neither Boyko nor others,”
confessed mother of many children.

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  • 7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
    Yevgeniya Dobrovolskaya

  • 7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
    Maria Shukshina

  • 7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
    Maria Sittel

  • 7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
    Ekaterina Klimova

  • 7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
    Maria Poroshina

  • 7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
    Natalia Vodianova

  • 7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
    Irina Leonova

  • 7 российских звезд, ставших многодетными мамами
    Ilya Drevnov


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