Елену Исинбаеву не допустили к участию в Олимпиаде из-за допингового скандала

Athlete Yelena Isinbayeva, who very actively supported by his counterpart Maria Sharapova in the case of reception a player of doping, and now she is suffering because of accusations of doping.

As it turned out over the weekend, the international Association of athletics federations (IAAF) rejected the application of the Russian athlete Yelena Isinbayeva for participation in the Olympic games, which will be held in Rio this year.

At the moment, the situation is almost unknown, except that the decision of the Association was substantiated by the fact that the name Isinbayeva was involved in a doping scandal.

In fairness, I will clarify that in addition to Elena have not received permission to participate in the Olympic games the Russian athletes.

Elena herself on this occasion was not upset and even tries to reassure the Russian fans: “my Friends, a huge request, do not pay attention to what he writes IAAF. We, the athletes of Russia, and I, too, hope for a positive decision court of arbitration for sport. Their decision will be key for us, and the results of their decisions can be inferred, go or no team in athletics at the Olympics. Calm and not panic. In good faith!”.

Their post Isinbayeva clear that a claim for review of the decision of the International Association had already been sent to the court of arbitration for Sport. The case will be considered on July 19, and 21 the decision will be made. Note that the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the Olympic games — July 22, and therefore, more things can happen, and the Russian athletes will participate in competitions.

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