Опасное фото: Кристина Асмус осудили за фото на окне
The actress was photographed on the windowsill with his feet on the street.

Photo: Instagram

Recent photo of Kristina Asmus has caused a mixed reaction of fans online. This is understandable, because the actress poses for an unknown photographer, sitting on the window and his legs dangling outside! It turned out very beautiful and atmospheric, showing the snowy mood of the capital at this time of night. But if you remember the statistics of dead people in creating spectacular shots, it becomes a bit uncomfortable.

“Don’t even look scary!””And if my daughter will see and also want it to be?!””How dangerous!”— worried subscribers personal blog stars.

However, Christina, when he saw so many excited fans, hastened to reassure them: this shot was made with the insurance. What, the actress did not elaborate. Whether the husband was holding, then if still tied her acrobatic special cables that can support the weight of an adult.

And then another question arises: what was this shot and did not threaten any danger to the photographer? Judging from the angle, he climbed out of the window even further than Asmus as the balconies in this house at Patriarch’s ponds no. But, fortunately, a risky photo shoot ended well, and the frame for Instagram personally chose the husband of actress, aka Garik Bulldog Kharlamov.