Появилось официальное подтверждение романа Леонардо ДиКаприо с молодой избранницей
At the end of last year the Western tabloids reported about a new novel by famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio with a 20-year-old Camille Morrone.

Появилось официальное подтверждение романа Леонардо ДиКаприо с молодой избранницей

Then the actor was seen leaving girls. Long time Leo tried not to advertise his new novel, but now no longer hide her personal life from the public.

Появилось официальное подтверждение романа Леонардо ДиКаприо с молодой избранницей

The pair walked through the streets of Los Angeles, showing tender feelings to each other. They were holding hands, and before the entrance to the restaurant Camilla gently kissed Leo in the shoulder. Apparently the couple moved to a new level.

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