Фанаты не одобрили естественный образ Натальи Ионовой
Fans of the popular singer Natalia Ionova, which everyone knows under the pseudonym of Glucose, was used to seeing her with perfect makeup and a rather revealing costumes.

Фанаты не одобрили естественный образ Натальи Ионовой

But in the new clip, the 31-year-old singer decided to appear in a natural way without makeup and a shapeless sweater.

Фанаты не одобрили естественный образ Натальи Ионовой

“The video was a revelation to me and is very honest in everything: from the script to my appearance. No makeup, no makeup, no cleaning or post-production on the skin — nothing. This time you open my bare face, true emotions and soul bare. I melt in your eyes”, – says Natalya.

But the fans did not appreciate such an image of the singer, considering that she still need to appear in the usual form, with carefully applied makeup and in stylish clothes.

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