Джигурда считает, что в программе Дмитрия Шепелева все подстроено
The infamous Nikita Dzhigurda was invited to the program “actually”, but he refused to take part in the transfer and pass the polygraph test.

Джигурда считает, что в программе Дмитрия Шепелева все подстроено

In the end, the heroes of the show are the brothers Dzhigurda and his ex-Director. The topic for discussion was the will of Ludmila Bratash. In the end, Nikita said that his name is blackened in the course of the program, and he believes that Dmitry Shepelev deceiving the audience.

“This program is written in advance scenario for which answers are adjusted to the guests. The truth, and the truth is there is no one cares. That is why when Marina refused to participate in the show Shepeleva. He wanted to drag us into a new trap, but in the end, invited Antonin Savrasovu and my brothers, who were misled,” shared a man in the microblog.

Beloved Dzhigurda Marina Anisina supported him and voted against the passage of checks on the lie detector.

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