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Natalia Medvedev revealed the details of his personal life.

Husband Natalia Medvedeva and son Ilya

Photo: @natalymedvedeva Instagram Natalia Medvedeva

Natalia Medvedev belongs to the stars hard at hiding his personal life. In 2015 star Comedy Woman secretly gave birth to abroad son and since then she has never showed it to the General public. So it was until yesterday. Passed on the eve of father’s Day, which Natalia said first joint photo of his son Elijah with her husband, Alexander Copalum.

“A bit personal. Just a little. Understand so I want to say, to shout, to show, to explain. But no. Better not say anything, will protect, save in the heart-my favorite”, — said Medvedev.

Many fans of the actress confessed that had no idea about Natalia’s baby. This, however, is not surprising. Star quickly came back after giving birth to the form, and shortly after the appearance of Elijah came to light from maternity leave and continued to build a career. “Didn’t even know that you are the mom! Congratulations!”, “Had no idea about your new addition, your baby’s health!” — wrote Natalia.