Станислав Садальский не принял приглашение участвовать в шоу Дмитрия Шепелева
The famous actor Stanislav Sadalsky often comes on various talk shows as a guest.

Станислав Садальский не принял приглашение участвовать в шоу Дмитрия Шепелева

Sadalsky known for its ability to Express what he thinks about any situation or person. As it turned out, he was invited to participate in a new TV show Dmitry Shepelev “actually”, but the actor decided to give up.

Станислав Садальский не принял приглашение участвовать в шоу Дмитрия Шепелева

“Invited to the First channel in a new show to Shepelevo – in lie detector. (…) Opponents offered a choice of all of the controversial toys from Maksakova husband to Tamara Miansarova Mark. Refused, not interested. First, I apriori wins – lying, saying you know you know a lot. Secondly, these characters are already washed stones, I’m just bored. With an indignant mark have no desire at all to talk…” – replied Sadalsky.

According to Stanislav, the lie detector, which will be used in the transmission, it’s easy to cheat, so he sees no point in coming to the program.

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